:: In order of INITIATIVE each player must perform one of the following actions ::
:: STRATEGIC ACTION :: at some point during the action phase a player must perform his strategic action(s) before passing.
When a player chooses to execute this action, he first reads and then resolves the Primary Ability of his chosen Strategic card. Secondary abilities of Strategic cards are executed in clockwise order from the active player, using a Command Counter from the Strategy allocation pool.
During a round, players may participate once on as many Secondary abilities as they have Command counters available in their Strategic allocation pool on their race sheets.
The tactical action is the primary action used to interact with pieces on the game board. This is where explorations is done, where conflicts arise and is resolved. In order of the activation sequence, and after activating a system, a player may execute some or all of the remaining steps 2-7 presented below.
FRIENDLY and ENEMY clarification
In TI3 no matter your alliances or personal inclinations, FRIENDLY units are considered to be the units of your chosen color which represent your race in the Galaxy. All other player's units are for all intents and purposes considered ENEMY units.
Activation sequence as follows
Activate a system - place a command counter from the Command pool into a system that was not previously activated by the active player.
Move ships into the system - within movement range and only into the activated system.
any friendly ship originating from an unactivated system and with enough movement - without going through enemy territory on it's path - may move to the activated system. The number of ships moved into the activated system may not exceed the number of command counters allocated to the Fleet size area.
PROBE face down domain counters on planets with a Fighter​ present in the activated system. The active player may look at any number of facedown domain counters present in the system. Planetary landings are prohibited on planets that have been probed during this activation.
PDS fire - after the active player has finished moving, enemy PDS in range may fire at the player's fleet. Once the resulting casualties are removed, the active player may fire his PDS units in range
SPACE MINES​ - are triggered if the active player's ships end their movement into a system where an opponent's space mine is present (passing through a system with space mines does not trigger them.) For each non-fighter ship present in the activated system, the active player must roll one die individually, announcing each time for which ship he is rolling. On 9-10, that ship receives 1 hit. After all non-fighter ships have been rolled for, remove 1 Space Mine token from the system. The active player only rolls for space mines once even if there are multiple space mines present.
Space Battle - if ships from two different players are now present in the system a battle must be initiated. The active player is the ATTACKER, the other player the DEFENDER and the battle will continue until only ships from one player are remaining.
Planetary Landings - the active player decides what landing forces he will send to invade any or all of the planets in a system and cannot change his mind once invasion combat begins.
Friendly Landing :: ​land units on a planet already under your control.
Neutral Landing :: land units on a planet not owned by any player. Resolve Domain counter, if the invasion is successful claim the planet as your own. Retrieve the corresponding Planet Card from the Planet Deck and place it exhausted in your play are. Only Ground Forces can claim planets; this excludes PDS units, Leaders, and Mercenaries.
Hostile Landing (invasion) :: land units on a planet containing enemy units, proceed with invasion combat.
Invasion Combat - after planetary landings are completed, if there are units from two different players present on a planet, that planet must engage in invasion combat. If there are multiple combats, the active player decides in which order to resolve each one. If the invasion is successful claim the planet as your own.
RAZE domain counters on planets that are being invaded with a War Sun/​Dreadnought present in the system. War Sun/Dreadnoughts can participate in a single bombardment only, either to raze a counter or during a hostile landing.
LANDING PDS UNITS - as part of an invasion is allowed but those PDS units do not take part of the combat. If the invasion is not successful, all invading PDS units are immediately destroyed.
Produce units - the active player may produce new units at one or more friendly SPACE DOCKS, or build a new SPACE DOCK on an eligible planet that has been under his control for the entire round.
SCUTTLE - w/TRANS FABRICATION scuttle units on the board to receive 1 Trade Good/unit before producing.
:: TRANSFER ACTION :: may be taken in 2 adjacent systems containing only friendly units
Transfer sequence as follows
Activate a system - place a command counter from the Command Pool into a system that was not previously activated by the active player. Then place a command counter from reinforcements into an adjacent system that contains no enemy units. Both systems must contain at least 1 friendly unit each.
Movement - move units respecting all movement rules between the two activated systems.
PDS fire - after the active player has finished moving, enemy PDS in range may fire at the player's fleets in any of the two activated systems. PDS in range of both systems may only fire in 1 of the 2 activated systems.
Planetary Landings - the active player decides what landing forces he will send to land on friendly planets of the two activated systems. The active player may not invade any planets (neutral or belonging to an enemy) during a transfer action.
Produce units - the active player may produce new units in one of the two systems, at one or more friendly SPACE DOCKS. Cannot build a new SPACE DOCK during a transfer action.​
SCUTTLE - w/TRANS FABRICATION scuttle units on the board to receive 1 Trade Good/unit before producing.
:: SPACE BATTLES :: after movement is complete in an activated system, if ships from the active player and another player are present, a space battle must be fought. This happens over consecutive combat rounds until only the ships from a single player remain (or no ships if all ships are destroyed simultaneously on the last combat round.)
Action cards - played "immediately before a space battle"
Anti-Fighter barrage - roll 2 dice for each ship w/anti-barrage ability; for each result equal of higher than that ship's combat value, the opponent immediately loses one Fighter unit.
Assault cannons
Mentak racial ability
Sabotage Run​
NOTE: the defender chooses in what order each applicable pre-combat ability is played, but anti-fighter barrage always happen before a sabotage run.
Announce withdrawals/tactical retreats​ - attacker first has the option to withdraw, if he doesn't, the defender then has the option to retreat.
Roll combat dice - simultaneously, both players roll dice for each ship present in the battle, scoring a hit on each result equal to or higher than the ships combat value.
Remove casualties - for each hit scored by his opponent, players in turn must assign all their casualties, starting with the attacker and then the defender. Ships with the sustain ability can take two hits before being destroyed. All destroyed ships are returned to the reinforcement pile.
Execute withdrawals/tactical retreats - if at this point in the battle all of the opposing force's ships have been destroyed, announced withdrawals/retreats are cancelled and the winning player's units must stay in the system. During a withdrawal/retreat, a player moves his entire fleet to an adjacent activated system that contains no enemy ships. Check that fleets meet the Fleet supply limits, any excess ships are immediately destroyed.
End of space battle - if there are still ships of both players present, a new battle round begins until a single player's forces remain in the activated system.
:: PASS :: in any turn after playing his strategic action(s) a player may elect to pass. He will no longer perform actions (including ACTION cards that "play: as an action") during this round but may participate in the secondary abilities of other player's STRATEGIC actions (given he meets the requirements to do so.) On his turn skip this player.
The round continues, each player taking an action on their turn until all players have passed.
:: INVASION COMBAT :: after a player has landed his Ground Forces during a Planetary landing, if there are enemy units present, combat occurs. Invasion combat is very similar to Space Battles, with the exception that no one can withdraw/retreat.
Bombardments - units with the bombardment ability may bombard a planet before the active player undertakes Invasion combat. Roll dice equal to the units combat strength multiplier, and remove a Ground Force on the contested planet for each hit scored on a result equal to or higher than the bombarding unit's combat value.
Dreadnoughts may not bombard planets that contain at least 1 enemy PDS unit.​
War Suns may bombard planets even if there will be no Invasion combat.​
PDS fire - after the invading player has finished his bombardment, the defending player may fire a single shot with each PDS unit on the contested planet. For each hit scored, an invading Ground Force is destroyed.
Roll combat dice - both players simultaneously roll dice according to each units combat strength multiplier, and score hits on results equal to or higher than the combat value.
Remove casualties - each player assigns casualties according to the number of his scored by his opponent. Casualties are returned to the reinforcement pile, and if there are still units from both players present, another invasion combat round begins.
Invasion success - if all defending Ground Forces were destroyed, and at least one attacking Ground Force survives the battle, the invasion is a success. All defending PDS units and Space Docks are immediately destroyed. The defending player gives the attacking player the corresponding Planet card, which he places exhausted into his play area. If all forces were destroyed, and no attacking Ground Force survived the last round of battle, then the defender retains control of the contested planet.