navigate the depths of TWILIGHT IMPERIUM's (3rd Edition) ruleset. Inside this vessel you can quickly find references to most of the rules, travel via hyperlinks from section to section and augment your game experience using the various player aids. Throughout your journey, rule references will use the following icons to differentiate between the base game and expansions::
In order to win a game of TWILIGHT IMPERIUM 3, players need to claim PUBLIC and SECRET objectives and gain a total of 10 Victory Points.
This will be done by choosing Strategies at the beginning of each round in the STRATEGY PHASE, followed by the ACTION PHASE where players complete actions in turn that will allow them to claim objectives in the STATUS PHASE.
At the beginning of every round, starting with the SPEAKER and then in clockwise order, each player chooses one of eight STRATEGY cards. This determines order of play during the action phase as well as give important abilities which must be played as an action at somepoint during the ACTION PHASE.
:: Any remaining STRATEGY cards that have not been chosen receive a BONUS COUNTER. When a card with bonus counters is picked by a player, he immediately receives either a TRADE GOOD or COMMAND COUNTER for each bonus counter and places them on his RACE SHEET.
GAME OPTION :: In 3-4 player games each player gets 2 STRATEGY cards. The lowest card is always used for initiative but players may play each STRATEGY card in any order. Both STRATEGY cards have to be played during the ACTION PHASE.
Activate a system
Move ships into the system
PDS fire
Planetary Landings
Produce units
:: TRANSFER ACTION :: may be taken in 2 adjacent systems containing only friendly units
Activate a system
PDS fire
Planetary Landings
Produce units
The round continues, each player taking an action on their turn until all players have passed.
Qualify for Public/Secret objective cards
check for END GAME conditions​
Repair damaged ships
Remove Command Counters
Refresh Planet cards
use planet's refresh abilities​
Receive 1 Action card and 2 Command counters
+1 action card w/​NEURAL MOTIVATOR technology
+1 action card if playing the Yssaril race
+1 command counter w/HYPER METABOLISM technology
+1 command counter when playing the Federation of Sol race
Redistribute Command counters as needed
Return Strategy Cards to the common play area
After the STATUS phase is complete if no one has won, play resumes with a new STRATEGIC phase.
GAME OPTION 1 :: THE LONG WAR :: longer game, 14 victory points to end the game.
Alternative variant :: NO IMPERIUM REX :: game ends after the last objective card is drawn.
GAME OPTION 2 :: AGE OF EMPIRE :: all objectives revealed at setup. Game ends when the marker reaches the last objective.
GAME OPTION 3 :: DISTANT SUNS :: exploration counters on planets with various effects. Introduces probing.
GAME OPTION 4 :: LEADERS :: adds 5 different types of Leaders; Generals, Admirals, Diplomats, Agents, Scientists.
GAME OPTION 5 :: SABOTAGE RUNS :: allows Fighter units a chance for a pre-space battle strike at an enemy War Sun.
GAME OPTION 1 :: VARIANT IMPERIAL STRATEGY CARD :: different Imperial Strategy card used instead of the original one.
GAME OPTION 2 :: VARIANT STRATEGY CARDS :: 8 new Strategy cards to be used instead of the originals; affects setup.
GAME OPTION 3 :: VARIANT OBJECTIVES :: conflict oriented Public objective decks. New Secret objectives. see setup.
GAME OPTION 4 :: RACE SPECIFIC TECHNOLOGIES:: adds 1 race specific technology to each race.
GAME OPTION 5 :: ARTIFACTS :: 8 artifact tokens with special objective cards. affects setup.
GAME OPTION 6 :: SHOCK TROOPS :: new type of elite ground troops.
GAME OPTION 7 :: SPACE MINES :: new type of deployable defense mechanism; affects cruisers.
GAME OPTION 8 :: WORMHOLE NEXUS :: adds a special system tile; affects setup.
GAME OPTION 9 :: FACILITIES :: new buildable colonies and refineries.
GAME OPTION 10 :: TACTICAL RETREAT :: changes the way retreats are treated during space combat.
GAME OPTION 13 :: CUSTODIANS OF MECATOL REX :: see domain counters; adds neutral forces on Mecatol Rex.
GAME OPTION 14 :: VOICE OF THE COUNCIL :: allows players to vote an elected player who gains a special objective card.
GAME OPTION 15 :: SIMULATED EARLY TURNS :: speeds up the early game.
GAME OPTION 1 :: PRELIMINARY OBJECTIVES :: each player receives one preliminary secret objective; affects setup.
GAME OPTION 2 :: RACE SPECIFIC TECHNOLOGIES :: adds 1 race specific technology to all races (total of 2 w/SE expansion)
GAME OPTION 3 :: FLAGSHIPS :: special flagship unit powerful with unique race specific abilities.
GAME OPTION 4 :: FINAL FRONTIER :: new domain counters for empty space systems; affects setup.
GAME OPTION 5 :: MECHANIZED UNITS :: mechanized Ground Forces with a lot of firepower and sustain ability.
GAME OPTION 6 :: MERCENARIES :: uses Trade III strategy card to hire mercenary units; affects setup.
GAME OPTION 7 :: POLITICAL INTRIGUE :: uses Political II strategy card to introduce Representatives and Promissory notes.
GAME OPTION 8 :: FALL OF THE EMPIRE :: historical scenario taking place during the rule of the Lazax Empire.
GAME OPTION 1 :: THE STAR IN THE CROWN :: when executing the primary of Imperial I strategy card, receive 1VP (not 2.)
GAME OPTION 2 :: PRESET MAPS :: a full set of preset maps balanced for various player groups. (WIP)